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Vendor FAQs

Q: I sell a product I think the Lottery would be interested in purchasing. How can I contact the Lottery about my product?
You need to call the Lottery’s main number (803) 737-2002 (in Columbia) or toll-free 1-866-736-9819 during regular business hours (Except State Holidays) and ask to speak with the Procurement Officer.

Q: I own a business and would like to be considered in upcoming bids with the Lottery. How do I go about doing this?
As a State Agency, the Lottery uses companies that are registered with the State of South Carolina’s Materials Management Office. Your business may register with the State online at: On your registration, it is important to be clear and precise in describing the product(s) offered. SCEL also makes use of the Governor’s Office of Small and Minority Business Database. If your company is a small and minority business, please consider becoming certified through the Governor’s Office of Small and Minority Business Assistance (OSMBA). The OSMBA Certification Packets can be downloaded at or call 803-734-0657 for assistance.

Q: What is your policy for soliciting bids for services?
SCEL adheres to the S.C. Consolidated Procurement Code for all bids. See for an online list of products and services currently being solicited by the State of South Carolina. For bids under $10,000, we get at least three written quotes for the exact same service. Whenever possible we solicit bids from South Carolina companies, including small and minority owned-businesses. We almost always go with the lowest bid, but other factors affect our decision including quality and turn-around time needed.